Core Documents – Appendices – Non technical Summaries – Figures – Environmental Statements –

‘True Reprographic Printing’

When it comes to planning application and appeal printing, speed and accuracy are key. Thousands of pages from multiple organisations to be printed and collated to read clearly. Many millions of pounds worth of developments are in the planning process that need the green light to ‘start on site’.

  • Our experience in this field leaves planning consultants, KC’s and councils assured that the final set of binders will have:
  • Complete chapters and figures not split over presentation binders.
  • Clear and Concise Contents page and labelled Binders
  • Bespoke printed or numbered tabs for ease of navigation.
  • Drawings to scale or printed at A3 and folded in.
  • LVIA at any length

National Delivery, including split deliveries of documents to various parties.

Bespoke presentation Binders and Boxes

We send them all of our technical work, including planning applications, appeals, core document sets etc. They are so experienced with dealing with these complex, voluminous documents that we can relax in the knowledge that they are always printed in the exact way we have asked with no problems.


If there is a query (usually with our instructions!), they will call and check to always make sure it is correct. I am often asked by my Team for a difficult print job but my response is always “don’t worry, Duncan will sort it”. Nothing is too complicated.


The service is quick and reliable and personally I wouldn’t trust sending our documents anywhere else.


Sam Harrison
Regional Support Senior Coordinator